14 Security Issues With WordPress You Should Know!

Table of Contents
WordPress is a top-rated and widely used content management system that comes with a wide range of facilities. It offers flexibility to users to make any changes to the core files and get the desired result. Several plugins are available for free to upgrade the functionality of your website.
The popularity of WordPress has also attracted hackers to take benefit of its extensive user database. Unfortunately, WordPress is more vulnerable to virus attacks and malicious activities in the world. It is what keeps the top enterprises away from using it as their primary platform.
Some factors should be considered to avoid WordPress security issues in 2023. We need a stably protected and firmware plugin to secure our website. It ensures that hackers are prevented from getting there.
If they find a way in, they will immediately inform you of suspicious behavior and help you clean up the website immediately before harm is done. Although WordPress is highly secure and regularly checked by hundreds of developers, much can be done to maintain the security of your site.
Does WordPress Have Security Issues?
It is observed that once in a while, the sites made using the WordPress platform get hacked. Therefore, it is necessary to add additional security to your WordPress site and protect it from hacking. WordPress security vulnerabilities are discussed on the open forum, and there are many solutions available on the web.
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Common Security Issues With WordPress
WordPress is a safe platform to use to create your website. Some factors to be considered to avoid WordPress security risk. We need a stably protected and firmware plugin to secure our website. It ensures that hackers are prevented from getting there.
If they find a way in, they will immediately inform you of suspicious behavior and use MalCare to clean up the website immediately before harm is done. Although WP Security core software is highly secure and regularly checked by hundreds of developers, much can be done to maintain the security of your site.
WordPress is a safe platform to use to create your website. Some factors to be considered to avoid WordPress security risk. We need a stably protected and firmware plugin to secure our website.
It ensures that hackers are prevented from getting there. If they find a way in, they will immediately inform you of suspicious behavior and use MalCare to clean up the website immediately before harm is done. Although WordPress Security core software is highly secure and regularly checked by hundreds of developers, much can be done to maintain the security of your site.
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1- Outdated Core Software
2- Malware
3- SQL Injection
4- Denial of Service Attacks
5- Hotlinking Security
6- Brute Force Attacks
7- File Inclusion Exploits
8- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
9- Unauthorized Logins
10- Undefined User Roles
11- Outdated Themes and Plugins
12- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Spam
13- Phishing
14- Supply Chain Attacks
1- Outdated Core Software
WP security is available for free and built up by a development team. Every new release fixes bugs, adds new features, improves performance, and improves existing content to keep up with the latest industry standards. For nearly a decade, we’ve engaged in WordPress security.
With hundreds of thousands of websites hacked, we know that WP security outdated themes and plugins are the leading factors of hacked websites. You cannot update your plugins and themes, and it is more susceptible to many of the WP security issues in this list when your software is outdated.
Fortunately, the WP security team solves the common WordPress vulnerabilities that arise in the protection of WordPress. The team will also update the Core and WP security issues and security patches if necessary.
This is why it is crucial to run the latest version of WordPress and the accompanying software. On your dashboard, updates will be displayed.
2- Malware
Malware is a general term for malicious software of any kind trying to weaken or operate any programmable device, service, or network. Malware can be detected and deleted from WP security by using antivirus software on the device.
Malware typically goes into WordPress security sites via unapproved and outdated plugins and themes. Hackers exploit security concerns in plugins and themes, copy existing ones, or even create entirely new add-ons to place harmful code on their websites.
Regular WordPress security scans are also required to find any potential malware concealed on your website. A collection of recent data and research indicates a change in the experience and malware collected by consumers and businesses.
The WP Security list IT Threat Evolution report for the end of 2020 shows that miners and ranchers are less frequent (decreased respectively by 47 percentages and 31 percentage).
3- SQL Injection
A SQL (Structured Query Language) implant is the most harmful thing to your site security. WordPress security issues are detrimental to such a threat to WordPress security because many of them are meant to promote a community sense.
Visitor forms such as contact forms, payment info fields, and plumb forms usually use SQL injection attacks. When hackers in this form information, they don’t expect to use the content offer — they provide code that will execute and change from inside.
With the following techniques, you can decrease the risk of SQL injections:
Update Regularly
Use Reliable Plugins
Limit Field Entries
Change Database prefix
4- Denial of Service Attacks
A threat to close a machine or a network, making this inaccessible to its intended users, is a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. The WordPress security risks DoS attacks do this by flooding or sending information that causes a crash into the target with traffic. There are mainly two WP security issues that attack traffic methods: flooding or crash services. Flood attacks happen when the system gets too much traffic to buffer the server, which causes it to speed down and finally stop.
In WordPress security, DDoS allows more requests to be exponentially sent to the target, and thus the attack power is increased. It improves the attribution complication as it is harder to identify the exact cause of the incident.
As with any website, hosting is required for those mechanized by WP security. WordPress security issues the DoS and DDoS attack point hosting servers, particularly servers with bounded WordPress security. Not only do they rely on the plugins, safe WP security hosting is the best protection against DoS/DDoS attacks. Search for a trusted, dedicated server that meets your business needs and establishes a reputation for serious safety.
5- Hotlinking Security
The Internet term is Hotlinking. A link to a blog where the picture is displayed is an image on a website. Whenever the image is required, the link will get the source data. This prevents the image from being shown on each website. Image hotlinking is when someone connects your pictures from the website directly. It’s bad enough if people use your media with no consent, but a picture hotline insults you because it can slow your site down. WordPress security issues are sensitive to WordPress security hotline services because it is beneficial for people.
You copy and paste a link from another site to an image or digital file without credit. Some WordPress website owners may not have time to take or even think about protective measures against hotlines.
There are many ways to protect your contents against hot-linkers, but adding unique watermarks is a simple option. This is an easy-to-use solution.
Your name, website domain, or registered data copyright logo may easily be a watermark. You can add this watermark personally or use the tried and tested WordPress security method: a plugin. If you are looking for more information, check this post !
6- Brute Force Attacks
Brute force attacks are most common in the WordPress website. The hacker tries to gain access to the admin section using the standard user name and password. Automated software is used to put the username and password with multiple combinations to find the correct login details.
WordPress does not have default settings to limit the fail login attempt. The user can put any number of entries until he finds the correct login details. Auto bots are used to run the Brute force attacks. It may increase the server load time as too many failed entries will be logged in the server files overloading the resources.
How To Fix This Issue?
Preventing the Brute force attack is quite simple. Use the strong password to combine the upper and lower case character with the unique character in between and random numbers. Change the default password immediately after you make your website live.
The minimum length of your password should be eight digits. Likewise, you should also refrain from using “admin” as the default username. Also, WordPress allows you to activate two-factor authentication. Use the third-party plug-in to activate the two-factor authentication on your website and protect your website from the Brute force attack.
7- File Inclusion Exploits
WordPress is made of the PHP programming language. It is an open-source programming language accessible to everyone. A hacker who found the backdoor in the PHP files can inject the malicious code into the PHP file and take your website down.
File inclusion occurs when the hacker tries to load the files on the remote server and access the files stored on the server. Once the hacker has access to the wp-config.php files, they can control your entire website and the database. It will make your website vulnerable to data loss.

8- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross sites scripting is considered when a hacker has gained access to one of the forms or the page where he injects the JavaScript programming language to control the user’s input. For example, the cross-site script added to the contact form would send the user’s data directly to the hacker without knowing you.
The site will be accessible on your domain, so your users will never get to know where they are sending the information. Cross-site scripting is very dangerous as it is hard to find until you check the code and detect the third-party code placed on your site.
This can happen through the plugins that you install on the WordPress website. The plugins can make an unwanted script run on your WordPress website. This will make your WordPress website steal information from the browsers of visitors.
WordPress supports many third-party plugins, which are generally developed by independent websites. If any of the plugins use cross-site scripting to steal the data, you will not be able to monitor it unless you have technical knowledge. All your data will be sent to the third-party application without your consent.
How To Fix This Issue?
Use the input sanitization program to clean the data entered by the users before storing it in your MySQL database. Validate the user before allowing it to gain access to the form or information on your site. Use a security plugin that prevents XSS Vulnerability on your WordPress site.
To avoid cross-site scripting, you should make sure that you are only installing plugins that you can trust. Before you install a plugin, you should do your research and make sure that it is something that you can trust.
Fortunately, the solution to this security flaw is pretty simple. Improve your passwords. Create strong passwords with combinations of letters, numbers, and unique characters to make it more difficult for hackers to break. Even sophisticated brute force attacks will have trouble guessing unpredictable passwords that are made of multiple character types.
9- Unauthorized Logins
Brute force attacks generally use unauthorized login. Hacker runs the auto bots to enter the commonly used username and password combination to access your site.
Successful login would provide your website control to the hacker, and they can start manipulating your stored information. The brute force software enables the hacker to run through billions of potential login information quickly.
Unauthorized logins can take place without brute force attacks as well. For example, anyone can guess and login if you have a username-password pair that is too common.
How To Fix This Issue?
Remove all the default users and create a new one. Delete all the files installed on your server during the installation. Create a password that no one can guess. Predicted password combinations are an easy target.
The brute force attack system can access your WordPress using the standard password of several other users on the web. You will need to use strong passwords for the WordPress website. You should also change the default login page of the WordPress website.
10- Undefined User Roles
WordPress website offers you the inbuild features where you can set the user role to your registered members. Choose from the six different users roles, including Subscriber, Administrator, Contributor, Author, Editor, Super admin. Each position has native permission that restricts access to certain features in WordPress.
Tweaking the user roles would give administrator rights to the member who is not part of your team. It can be done mistakenly, or a hacker can use the script to modify the user role to gain access to your WordPress site.
Many people can have access to your website. However, it would help if you had a clear understanding of who controls the website and what permissions they have. Then you can overcome the WordPress security vulnerabilities that can happen.
How To Fix This Issue?
It is better to audit all the users of your WordPress website and see what permissions they have. Correct permissions should be assigned to the right people.
Double verify the user’s role and change the users’ permission if you find any mistake in the assigned user role. Moderate the user’s activities on your site. Remove unwanted user roles and keep only specific ones to avoid confusion.
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11- Outdated Themes and Plugins
Using outdated themes and plugin makes your WordPress site vulnerable to hacking. It is essential to upgrade the themes and plugins regularly with the latest version. With every new release of the WordPress platform, you have to upgrade the themes and plugin to match the latest security guidelines.
Your site is exposed to security risks; when you fail to upgrade. The site will become accessible to the hacker. The hacker generally looks for the website that uses the outdated plugin to inject the script through the backdoor and access the vital files on your server.
How To Fix This Issue?
If there is a security issue in a WordPress theme or a plugin, the developers will go ahead and fix it. Put all themes and plugins on auto-update. In most cases, themes and plugins are easy targets. Auto-update will keep your website updated all the time and free from potential hacking.
12- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Spam
The Search engine optimization hack is a well-thought process where the hacker finds the top-ranking pages and attacks them with SQL injection. The hacker put the banner ads, spammy content, and popup ads on the top-ranking pages. Your website landing pages are used to divert the traffic or sell the items to the visitors.
SEO spams should not be ignored from WordPress security risks. They are pretty much similar to SQL injections. They are targeting the SEO-related aspects of your website. For example, SEO spam can stuff your website with keywords. On the other hand, lots of popup ads will be displayed. It would help if you were mindful of these WordPress security flaws.
How To Fix This Issue?
Several WordPress plugins scan the site for the potential SQL injection. You can use WPScan or Sucuri SiteCheck plugins to identify the victim of SQL injection on your site. The update is necessary to avoid any trouble to your CMS.
You need to update reliable security plugins to the WordPress website. Along with that, you should also develop a security checklist and adhere to it along with time.
13- Phishing
The phishing attack is targeted at mass users. Different spamming methods are used to attack the users through email, SMS, and direct phone calls. Spammy links, lucrative offers, discounts, and free stuff are presented to the users to get a single click to the association. The idea is to cast line after line hoping for one bite from the users that will pay off the efforts.
Phishing is where you are tricked into entering the login details of your WordPress website on another spammy website. When you provide the login details, it would be easy for a person to access your website.
How To Fix This Issue?
Use a secure password that no one can predict or find anywhere on the web. Also, use the unique password for all the websites that you sign-in on the web. If any of the sites you register are hacked, your login details will be available to the hacker, and they can quickly get into the admin panel and steal the data.
When you visit a website that asks you to enter login credentials, you should check and confirm whether it is a spammy website or not. If it is a spammy website, you will need to refrain from uploading your login information.
14- Supply Chain Attacks
Supply chain attacks would target plugins and themes that you have on the WordPress website. A plugin owner can install malware on your WordPress website. Or else, a hacker can gain access to a plugin and inject spammy code into it.
How To Fix This Issue?
WordPress usually detects the fake plugins and themes that can launch supply chain attacks. However, it is also essential to verify the credibility before installing a plugin or a theme.
What Makes Your WordPress Site Vulnerable to WordPress Security Issues?
1. Weak Passwords
Weak passwords are one of the security issues with WordPress on the web. Use a strong password made of numbers, special characters, and a combination of the upper and lower surfaces.
2. Not Updating WordPress, Plugins, or Themes
Not updating the resources such as plugins or themes could create a backdoor on your site and database. The old plugins are unprotected from hacking as they cannot meet the security guidelines of new versions. Security issues with WordPress are avoidable with little awareness about the security steps.
3. Using Plugins and Themes from Untrustworthy Sources
Plugins downloaded from untrustworthy sources could result in hacking. Many phishing websites provide free plugins to WordPress users with premium features. Once you have them, the plugin developer runs the script to fetch all your site data.
4. Using Poor-Quality or Shared Hosting
Low-quality shared hosting companies would have fewer security barriers. It would be easy to penetrate the security system of the shared hosting plan who do not take precaution on the hosting services. The hacker targeting these shared hosting companies would have access to the sites hosted on the primary server from where they can inject the virus or malware on all the websites in one go. WordPress security risks are high on the poor quality or shared hosting plan.
WordPress developers keep adding multiple layers of security with every new update to deal with WordPress security concerns. Updating your software to the latest version will keep your site safe and secure. Also, avoid using third-party paid plugins. There are possibilities that the plugins may have access to your database and vital files on the server.
They can manipulate your information and get control over your site. Use only authentic plugins with a good track record. Now you know how to improve the security of your WordPress website. Adhere to these tips, and you will be able to stay away from all sorts of threats.
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