Hosting in Canada Vs. the US | Benefits of The Best Canada Web Hosting Services

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We all need to choose the best Canada web hosting service to provide high-quality storage for our domain. A high-performance hosting service can considerably impact our online presence.
However, does it matter where we host our website at all? How important is the location of the web hosting service provider for me?
In this review, we will be discussing the essential features of a web hosting service and define that as a Canada-based business, it is better to choose a US service provider or opt for companies inside the country.
Suggest you read our article about how to choose a web hosting service
What are the essential features of a web hosting service?
The overall performance and security of our website are highly dependent on the hosting service we have. Our hosting service has substantial influence over the accessibility of our website.
As you may have seen in different web hosting reviews, various factors should be considered for choosing a service.
Among them, we can address the bandwidth and storage, uptime, security features, price, email accounts, and domain and sub domains.
Each of these items can have powerful effects on the efficiency of our website, which in turn leads to the success of our business. Even if you choose a cheap hosting service, you should keep these crucial features in mind.
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Hosting in Canada or the US?
This is a question that might have come to our mind, and we may have searched for it over the internet or by asking the experts. You should know that thephysical locationof the web hosting serveris an essential factor that impacts website efficiency in many ways.
To be assured of choosing the best Canada web hosting service, look at the following factors.
1-Local SERPs
Based on your IP address and domain, Google determines either you are located inside Canada or not. Local ranks in Google are essential for businesses that offer services and products.
Moreover, it can also relate your website with users who are using for their searches. Choosing the best Canada web hosting company does not affect your global ranking in a positive or negative approach, but it undoubtedly improves your local rankings.
Local engines of Google deal with more than half of the queries, and therefore, the higher the rank on local traffic, the better income for you. In other words, by having a Canadian hosting service provider, you benefit from SEO principles.
In the long run, you get a higher chance of being selected by your customers over the competitors. To this end, you should choose the best Canada web hosting service available for a higher chance of appearing in SERPs.
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2-Location of data center
You own a data center close to your location results in a faster website loading speed. If you want a speedy website in California, you’d better store your data there as well.
But if you wish to have the same conditions in Vancouver, why should you choose a high-performance hosting service inside the US? Selecting the best Canada web hosting service provides access to real-time data to your visitors, which cannot be possible even if you use the best US hosting.
Additionally, it impacts the file transfer speed, which can be necessary if you share movies on your website or provide downloadable content.
Moreover, if you choose a local data center, you can visit their place to better view their facilities, services, and, most importantly, their claims.
We should not forget that Canada is one of the leaders in different fields of IT technologies and, getting the best Canada web hosting organization can bring us a ton of advantages.
With the massive renovations done for famous data centers across the country over the last decade, we can expect services with higher quality and lower prices.
3-Security and privacy
One of the crucial differences between hosting in Canada vs. the US is privacy laws and concerns. In the US, rules such as DCMA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) let the government and FBI access your data without knowing about it.
Even if you select the best US hosting available, the government can block your access to your files without having an order from the court!
On the other hand, Canada has the strictest rules when it comes to managing personal information. The situation completely differs in Canada since there are tight regulations for private sectors in this regard.
If you opt for the best Canada web hosting service provider, the company does not have to comply with a request related to DCMA right away. They can review the claim and act so that other sites in the data center are not shut down.
Furthermore, according to PIPEDA, organizations inside Canada must follow the exact procedure for using personal information. The following sentences are stated as descriptions of this law:
Personal information can only be used for the purposes for which it was collected. If an organization is going to use it for another purpose, it must obtain consent again. Appropriate safeguards must protect personal information.
Therefore, you won’t need to be worried about misusing your information by any company located inside Canada. Feel free to choose the best Canada web hosting services that suit you.
Final words
For someone like us, who is lives inside Canada, selecting the best Canada web hosting service provider is the obvious choice for a website.
As we described in this web hosting review, a Canadian company can protect your privacy more than those located inside the US. You can grow your business more effectively with your local data centers, even if you choose cheap hosting services.